Monday 19 January 2009


My new year frankly speaking, did not really start off well.

Within less than a month time, i have lost few things precious to me: Bible, laptop still not working and the precious watch which my mommy gave for me to keep when i left home for college years ago.

There are also other things in life that could not be described with words. Difficult situation present itself, that only the heart knows the burden. And only God knows and if fortunate, you get some people that cross your life path that can identify with you.

Sometimes, giving up felt like a great way out. Holding on to the truth of scripture or promise of God's word seem like climbing mountains. A task you doubt can even complete. But its also at difficult time like this that simple things shine so bright and catch your attention, making one feels contented very easily.

A case in point is the things that happen this past week. There was this exam, which i can tell you is the worst i have had. I know i am not the only one who felt that, but for me i guess its just so strange that i got my panic attack and blank mind at the most crucial time. I sat looking at the clock and even after writing, i dont even know what i have written. After that, i got so angry with myself,sad and just miserable. Tried and tried to be upbeat but failed. And this makes me even more frustrated with myself.

Then, i went home and on opening the door, i saw this little parcel sitting there, and i saw my name. A sense of surprise washed over me, and i was instantly overjoyed like a kid seeing her candy. I have got parcels in the past, but this time its different. Because i know HOW diffficult it is to post such a small parcel from home; though small, inside it contains bits of sacrificial love in the form of cakes and cookies. That moment i still felt sad but it did not seem to be that big deal anymore. Something had just been lifted off my an instant.

Looking back, i was also touched by little messages here and there from unexpected places, eg: card, chatting messages and phone calls, that you know could not have happened without God behind them. Friends who take time to encourage despite having their own worries. Those friends are few, but just like gems, once you found them, you are rich. They understand you. Words dont even have to be many, just a simple encouragement, and it has already managed to lift you above the cloud.
That day, the parcel became my teacher. I got to know later that there are many ways that are highly likely to happen, which can prevent the parcel from getting into my hand. But it did arrive, at the right time to have its own purpose. Through this, I am humbled to be cared by a God who already thought of orchestrating a way to cheer me up in my dark times, way before the gloomy moment arrive.

I am sure there are lots of hurdles up ahead for me to face. But one thought that will always encourage me is this: one will never know what is sweet until one has tasted sour.

1 comment:

SndR said...

Aaawww... Are you okay now? I'll pray for your result k? And uh, I got a parcel from back home as well! Give me 5! ^^