Thursday 22 January 2009

frustration- please let me vent it

I am so frustrated with myself. all because of the stupid OSCE=(

I have prepared. I have practiced. But nervousness like to be an uninvited guest, and to a person prone to having "blank mind" attack, it becomes a disaster.

Its weird talking to the "patient", and not knowing what to ask next because i am just nervous for NO reason. All the while realizing i SHOULD stop being nervous, START being composed but somehow just could not do it. The frustration increased more when i was assesed by lecturers who are strict, knowing that i could do better than this. Just not this time.. and tell them this is the one and exceptional case i did so bad. Ooh, how i wish to have a second chance. If time could be rewind.

However, for now, i dont want second chance, because that means resitting. I just want to pass and get done with it. ohya, time to move on..

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